Don't just leave it up to your real estate agent to come up with all the solutions to your housing crunch, jump in and get your feet wet as well if you really want to quickly sell your house. Just like the professional marketers preach to about multiple income streams and how they tend to add up, the real estate marketing tentacles can be woven after the same model. Don't be afraid to do a bit of the work yourself. Offer to help your realtor go post signs or drop-cards or sales fliers.
Let your realtor put your house on the MLS system, but also request that they feature it in one of their spotlight ads either in the newspaper or on the internet or both. This guarantees two, possibly three, distinct advertising angles right from the start: the MLS and the feature. Push your agent to advertise, advertise, advertise. Make sure that there is a virtual tour available not only on the realtors' website but also on the internet for the general public. You don't want to limit yourself to only one company's clients.
Every single ad stream only ads to the overall possibility of selling your home and also reduces the time involved. For example, if it normally takes exposing your home to 1000 people before you receive an offer, then it would stand to reason that the sooner you can get to that 1000 person milestone the better chance of selling. No need to wait around on one single source of advertising, such as the MLS, when you can multiply your exposure with a bit of squeal. By squeal I simply am referring to the old adage that 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease' and this is true in a broker/client relationship as well. The more squeal, the more attention you will be given and the more ad sources you will benefit from in order to quickly sell your house.